Saturday, July 02, 2005

say you want a revolution

i got up extra early (ie: before noon) to watch the tv broadcast of the live8 concerts. the last one ended about a couple of hours ago, & while i'm rather pissed that they didn't show the cure performing (they closed the show in paris), it's a very worthy cause & all that, so i want y'all to go to the live8 'site & sign their online petition thingie that's gonna be given to bush, blair, & the usual gang of idiots during the g8 summit on wednesday. provided, of course, that you don't doubt that free trade'll help africa's economy -- an issue i'm still mentally debating even though i signed the petition while frickin' celine dion was being played as an excuse to get away from the tv for a while; i think this is the only time in my life that i've spent more than five consecutive hours in front of the telly.


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