Friday, November 04, 2005

tits on the radio

i got kicked out of drawing class a couple of hours ago...i wasn't doing the assignments & i have no-one to blame so it was entirely justified. the thing is, i dropped metalworking/woodshop on tuesday which means i'm only taking 2 classes (studio practice & visual culture) where a full schedule is 4. i still have to pay for the 4 courses because it's after midterms...i know that's how university works & therefore shouldn't be whining about it but i still feel bad.

some of the stickers already got ripped up in the half hour between my putting them up & my walking past them to go to class; it didn't really matter when the old ones got destroyed 'cause there was only writing on them & the same several phrases anyway, but with these i'd actually taken the time to draw something different on every one...fuck.

what i'm worried about is that i'll become a properly cliched Art School Dropout, learn to play my guitar beyond 'one chord played over & over as fast as humanly possible,' start a keyboard-y band that overuses the synthesizers & become famous overnight for my regurgitated ironic-cool 80's pseudo-glam. the specter of potential fame-&-accompanying-loss-of-privacy haunts my dreams constantly.

-- 0 days sober --
(forgive me, liver, for i have sinned. the whole thing's off: i need something to keep me sane & my outlook on life isn't nearly peppy enough to do so. "peppy" is another halifax archaism, by the way.)


At 9:12 a.m., November 05, 2005, Blogger Jege (Jen) said...

Your sticker project sounds soooo fucking cool. Be sure and post photos on the blog!


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