Saturday, September 09, 2006


if the sidebar still says 'genital' in the spot that shows my location, it's a mistake, 'cuz you see, in the user profiles thingie, the category for that was called "region" -- so i typed "genital" in for a joke ("genital region," get it?). well, i actually live in ontario. though there is a place in mexico called "chihuahua".


At 4:38 a.m., May 15, 2005, Blogger Trevor said...

im still curious what erratum is. genital joke made me laugh. I am delerious and have been up all night, thanks for the extra distraction of reading your posts :) they were thoroughly entertaining. And what of blog etiquette? I'm new, do I have to make sense? New York: big and unfriendly and smelly, but safer than it used to be and theres tons to do, (if you bring some friends or are incredibly outgoing). New big city experiences are always worthwhile though. Do it before art school and get a taste of the NYC art scene.


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