greetings & salutations, fellow earthlings! my first post
you know, i even feel weird talking on the phone: i can't get rid of the feeling that i'm standing in an empty room shouting into a plastic box of wires and shit. so why am i doing this? i have no idea. probably just because i've never done this before. that's how i start doing things most of the time (i've made chain-mail & mead, though i've yet to start on learning gaelic or knife throwing...soon, though).
so, some stuff on my life, right? that's how these normally go?
[heh. i just changed the date to 2 years later. pretty spiffy, no? (relax. i never say "spiffy" unironically in real life)]
this week was the first week of school -- and i actually welcomed it, 'cuz, you see, i go to an 'alternative' high school where the teachers are called by their first names, the students are encouraged to question things, & it's fine if you're gay or political or whatever. a big departure from my old school where there were cameras in the halls, uniforms & all that crap (sorry about the scatalogical obcenities; i'll try to be more creative next time). the last straw was when i had to toss my uniform pants into a slush puddle so i could have proof after i'd lied to the principal that i got splashed-by-a-passing-truck-while-standing-innocently-by-the-curb-ma'am. to be fair, there were some good times too -- i got to perform a speech on the overuse & abuse of the word 'fuck' (where i said it about 20 times in 5 minutes). but now, i'm in paradise (or whatever one calls it when one is too skeptical to be religious).
this semester i'm doing poetry & drama, philosophy, sculpture, french, & chemistry. it promises to be intresting...
i tire of this. more later, if i remember.
am i supposed to have "perfect" spelling/grammar when blogging? please enlighten me (how's about words with more than 3 syllables?).
Always perfect grammar/spelling and punctuation. Makes a post easier to read.
Do the best you can. Some smug bastard will read a piece that may be fantastic and then simply say 'oh you spelt genitals incorrectly' without actually commenting on the quality of the post.
Which in this case, was excellent.
I wish my high school had been like yours. Lucky bastard.
I don't know, I mean--my highschool was "like that", and it nearly ruined my life. Long story--but the short version is that the grass is always greener on the other side. That being said, I might not have been better off at a public school, but I'll never know, I s'pose.
Free yourself from the tyranny of..fuck it. sorry. Please just don't bracket everything in Xs and abbreviate every word into some fucked up visual parlance without vowels.
I feel dumb responding to a post that could well be years old, it's new to me. So far the two word verification "words" I've encountered on your blog work perfectly to the tune of E I E I O. I'm leaving before this sacred moment is corrupted.
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