Tuesday, July 08, 2008

nope, not dead yet...

the cat & garden are doing well, though the nasturtiums are taking over.

have not left vancouver except for a weekend a coupla months ago in victoria (- on vancouver island, not somewhere more exotic)

going on 2-and-a-half years with the boyfriend...

had a drunken breakdown & cut most of my hair off with my pocketknife in the bathroom of a bar.

feeling rather selkie-like these days, fighting the urge to run away from the ordinary & resume haphazardly exploring.

-- & i'm thinking of going to cooking school. hey, if i'm gonna learn a trade, why not pick one that's stressful, messy, & not all that lucrative? might drive me to blog more often.

is this what growing up is supposed to feel like?


At 7:32 a.m., July 12, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

and growing and growing...

Well I am 35 and still dont feel 'adult'...

Maybe with more kids around...


At 1:10 a.m., July 25, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

Same here.. I'm still twiddling my thumbs and thinking "am I grown up yet?"
I love the idea of your blog and your clever posts. :)
I also loves me drinks!
Greetings from Austria,


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