Saturday, November 19, 2005

schizophrenic mixtapes

previously i'd bitched about people's deplorable lack of musical taste as evidenced by the residence's shared iTunes playlists & said i'd put up my own as an act of public edification.

that was last month & since then i've been doing a weekly playlist called "the schizophrenic mixtape" as one of the many little self-imposed tasks i do to keep me sane in this limbo of a town. my selections could euphemistically be called 'eclectic:' classic punk, throbby techno, spoken word, traditional celtic ballads...just semi-random stuff i like that i think goes well together.

as may be expected, i don't get many listeners, maybe 1 or 2 a day.

what makes now a reason to mention this here (besides boredom) is that there's apparently 3 people (or 1 nutjob with 3 computers) listening to my current mix right this instant & they've been on since around 6pm. either people are Very Desperate for entertainment, or there's something about this particular playlist that pumps their nads:

1.merkury burn -- let's get international
2.ashe -- i don't believe in love
3.the future sound of london -- the mello hippo disco show
4.lylah -- bullets when we kiss
5.the giraffes -- help my blood count
6.the mountain goats -- inscription at salonae
7.leonard cohen -- ain't no cure for love
8.jimmy d. lane & double trouble -- 24/7
9.tom waits -- had me a girl
10.the cure -- lullaby
11.hawksley workman -- jealous of your cigarette
12.old blind dogs -- roslin castle
13.gogol bordello -- start wearing purple
14.solas -- the maid on the shore
15.redemption -- disillusion
16.vampire division -- lightning gun queen of evil
17.the blessed virgin larry -- sick security -- loder runner
19.rufus wainwright -- matinee idol
20.jesse malin -- tko

nad-pumpingly brilliant, no?


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